Monday, November 22, 2010

Inline skating

Inline skating it’s a very funny sport, that children can do. It isn’t a very dangerous sport, but the first time you try to practice it, is better you go with an adult person.

When you start doing inline skating you must wear helmet: knee, head and elbow protection. We don’t now when this sport start, but people think that inline skating comes from Paris.

The best place to practise this sport, is going to a smooth road, with out any stone in the floor… One possibility is going to the park, for me it is the best place to practice it, nevertheless you can go to a specific club of inline skating to enjoy it.

You need a pair of skates and the helmet, they aren’t so expensive. Inline skating isn’t a very expensive sport, so that a lot of people can practice it. This sport is similar to skateboarding, but you must keep your balance in both.

Practising inline skating in summer and spring is more comfortable, because, the good weather helps to enjoy it.

So please, try it. It’s very funny!!! I’m sure that you’d like it.


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